ESIC Model Hospital Jaipur
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Department of Physiotherapy

1. Suresh Kumawat (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)


1. OPD Services:    Monday to Saturday (9 am -4 pm),     


Physiotherapy .
     (1)TENS(Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) Therapy 
(2) Ultrasound therapy 
(3) CPM(Continuous passive movements) Machine for lower limb.
(4) IRR (Infra red radiation) Therapy 
(5) Traction Therapy 
(6) Wax bath Therapy 

      Exercises for Low back pain, adhesive capsulitis, tennis elbow, cervical spondylitis,  lumbar spondylitis,  PIVD, Carpal tunnel syndrome, golfers elbow, Exercises for post operative Cases  such as- TKR,THR ,Nailing, DHS, PFN, TBW, Spine fixation etc.

3. IPD services - ICU (Chest physiotherapy, Breathing exercises, FET( forced expiratory techniques)and wards. PROM, AROM, and mobilization Exercises


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-06-13



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