ESIC Model Hospital Jaipur
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Department of Pediatrics

Dr.Anurag Harle , MD , HOD (Pediatrics),

 Brief introduction of the Department and the services provided: Department of Paediatrics is a PG teaching department running MD-Pediatrics. Department is having  NICU, , Pediatric ward, and Pediatric casualty. Department is running daily OPD, Immunization,

List of doctors/officers working in the department:

Sr No

Name of the doctor



Dr.Anurag Harle



Dr.Dilshad Sami



Dr.Pankaj Sharma



Dr. Shakeel Qureshi



Dr. Mahaveer Prasad Saini


6 Dr. Rameshwar Prasad Meena IMO


In context  to the above cited  reference and the subject we are herewith furnishing the information regarding the facilities available at the department of pediatrics and neonatology as follows :

Sl No Name of unit of the Department Equipments available (Major) Patients
Doctor’s Available
1. Pediatric ward ( 4th Floor)
Unit I & II
(i)  Sunction
     Machine-0 1
 (ii) Neubulization
      Machine- 2
(iii) BP instruments with Pediatric cuff -03
      Kit - 01
(v) Glucometer - 01
We are admitting
all kinds /all systemic illness patients & all age group of Pediatric  patients starting from 1 month till 12 years of age &
Discharging without much residual morbidity & Zero Mortality having 70 to 90  average admissions /month
IMO’S - 03
SR’s – 03
JR’s-03 are working round the clock in routine and shift duties
2. NICU (Level II)
( 4th Floor)
Unit I & II
(i)Radiant Warmer -04
(ii) Phototherapy Machine – 02  (iii) Resuscitation Trolley with Resuscitation kit -01 (iv) Multisystem monitor-04
 (v) Infusion Pump -8 (vi)Central O2 for  almost all beds
(vii)Billirubinometer -01 (viii)Sunction
Machine-0 1
(ix) Glucometer – 01
(X)Bubble CPAP -02
We are admitting all kinds of sick newborn who are admitted  under the criteria of  level II NICU &
Discharging them without much morbidity & Zero Mortality
having 70 to 90  average admissions /month
IMO’S - 03
SR’s – 03
JR’s-03 are working round the clock in routine and shift duties
3. Pediatric OPD (1ST Floor)
(Room no.134, 132, 131 )     
Unit I & II       
i)Two in one electronic weighing scale to weigh newborns& children’s -1(ii) Digital Weighing Machine – 1 (old)
(iiI) Neubulization
     Machine- 1
(iv) BP instruments with
      Pediatric cuff -2
All  kind Pediatric /Newborn
patients are
seen , Asthma/  Growth/Neurology/ Epilepsy/
High  Risk Newborn Clinic almost daily/800 to 875  OPD / month
As Above
4. Vaccination/ Immunization clinic
 (1ST Floor)
(Room no.133)    Unit I & II        
i) Freeze - to keep all the  Vaccines which are received from the State Government zonal Vaccination centre
ii) All required materials for giving these injections
We give all vaccines like BCG /OPV all doses /Hepatitis B all  doses / Pentavac all 3 doses / Rotavirus  vaccine all doses /Pneumococcal vaccines all doses / DPT Booster all doses / MR Vaccine all doses / TT vaccine booster all doses from Day 0/ Newborn to the children’s upto 12 years of age on the stipulated vaccination having average vaccinations ranging from 230 to 250 / month in coherence with  Zonal Vaccination centre state govt.& submit data accordingly As Above

Thus, we at the Dept. Of Pediatrics & Neonatology would like to inform your honorable kind competent authority that we are having most of the facilities which are required for the fully functioning Department of Pediatrics & Neonatology of a 300 bedded ESIC Model Hospital.


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-05-31



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